"This Is New. We've Never Done This Before."


Heard anyone say that lately?

For most problems, you can seek out an expert and they’ll offer tips. You can find experienced people to help guide you to a solution, but what about a problem none of us have faced before?

As we face COVID together, we have to all acknowledge with some humility that it’s all new, and that means we’re all learning.

No one is an expert at this, because no one has ever done this.

Will we stay flexible?
Will we keep listening to one another and learning?
Will we prioritize help for the people who need it most?

For our work, one of the biggest “never before” shifts has been made by our Resident Services team. This crew essentially reinvented themselves overnight into a front-line crisis response team, delivering meals, offering emergency rental assistance, comforting home-bound and elderly, delivering clothing and other essentials, and responding to urgent, sometimes lifesaving needs in the community.


Our affordable housing management and maintenance team is doing everything they can to continue serving and supporting our residents.

Our friends and partners in the community are also continuing to show up for one another, providing essential services for at-risk people all over City Heights.

It’s true, we haven’t done this before. This is new, and at times it is scary, but if you’re reading this, please know we will get through it the way we always have: as a community.

We’re with you, and we’re grateful to face this alongside all of you.


The City Heights CDC Team