"My job is about more than a paycheck, it's about the success of our residents."


“This job is about more than a paycheck, it’s about the success of our residents.” This is Rickie, our Property Manager at Hollywood Palms apartments. Rickie oversees 94 units occupied by about 560 people. “This isn’t a glorious job. I’m not gonna make millions, but that’s never been what this is about—I make sure they’re paying rent and things are in order, but it takes more than collecting rent to be a good property manager. You’ve got to really care about the people. I ask how they’re doing now that they’re housed, how are they feeling, what do they need beyond the basics?” If a resident comes to Rickie with a need or problem, she listens and tries to help. If they come and Rickie can’t speak their language, she finds someone who can translate. If someone just comes needing to talk, cry, or ask for a prayer or a little encouragement, Rickie’s always willing.

All of this work Rickie does is rooted in one of our most important values: listening.

We can’t serve people well if we don’t listen first. We can’t be the kinds of advocates, planners, and caregivers we need to be if we aren’t locking eyes with people and make plenty of space for them.

They know what they need. They usually know how to make it happen. But will we hear them?

Lives are changed because of the way Rickie says “yes” every day to that question, and we’re grateful.