Celebrate Resilience? Sure, But Go Further!
San Diego renters, many battling evictions, fill City Hall to demand more affordable housing. Photo credit: City Heights CDC
Have you noticed how often people celebrate resilience?
It’s really easy to do, and it makes sense—people love a good underdog story. It’s inspiring to see someone overcome obstacles, but resilience narratives alone just aren’t enough.
We celebrate resilience while working to end the need for it. We cheer as people overcome obstacles while working to be rid of the obstacles that keep people from opportunity.
Feed people, then work to make sure they gain access to good nutrition.
Cheer on those battling homelessness by working to prevent evictions.
Honor street food vendors while working to legalize their right to exist.
Praise the resilience of refugees while working to ensure they find a home.
To all of you who understand the importance of advocacy and activism and choose to go beyond resilience narratives: thank you. As we celebrate 40 years of work in the community, this is a common theme over and over again: celebrate resilience, then take action by working to end the need for it.