Economic Development


Our Mission

We work alongside people in the community to promote the growth of resilient and diverse businesses in City Heights.


A robust economy in City Heights is not possible without steady, sustainable businesses for its residents. That’s why we work alongside local business owners and entrepreneurs to ensure their participation in infrastructure enhancement projects, trainings, one-on-one support, promotional events, and advocacy for equitable investment and development in business corridors on their behalf.

A strong, well-rounded small business sector is an important economic engine for our neighborhood, and a thriving local business sector will be both by and for the community residents that it serves.

City Heights is home to a wide variety of locally-owned businesses, micro-enterprises, and street vendors that truly reflect the rich diversity of the community. Many of these businesses are owned by immigrant families that are often struggling to navigate city processes and lack the access to capital they need to develop a viable, self-sustaining business. Our team works diligently to provide access to resources by encouraging relationship-building among business owners and relevant stakeholders, and by partnering with other community-based organizations to develop innovative approaches to economic development.



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Programs for Small Business Owners

Our team genuinely cares for our neighborhood - that includes local business owners. We offer programs that help business owners thrive.


Small Business LEAPS Case Study

Join the Kim Center for Social Balance and our Economic Development team and explore innovative and equitable employer practices where diverse workers feel heard, seen, respected, and safe. The Kim Center for Social Balance (Kim Center) will join business owners during a 5-phase case study:

Phase 1: Build the cohort.

Phase 2: Conduct a group LEAPS Assessment and report on aggregate findings.

Phase 3: Co-design a group LEAPS Playbook on how to address the cohort’s top challenges.

Phase 4: Conduct core activities to put the cohort’s LEAPS Playbook into practice.

Phase 5: Readminister the group LEAPS Assessment, adjust Playbook goals as needed, and award LEAPS Accreditations to cohort members.

The City Heights LEAPS case study will help employers thrive by building environments where diverse workers feel heard, seen, respected, and safe. Such employers have better talent attraction and retention, more productive workers, more stable leadership, and greater long-term sustainability than those that don’t.


Our Impact



Tierra Central Placemaking Project

We refuse to let unused City Heights land go to waste! We closed on these parcels of land with the plan to turn them into more affordable housing, but in the mean time we’ve remade the plots into a place for community events, a place for businesses to grow, and so much cultural fun! See the latest events and stories from Tierra Central by clicking below, and we hope to see you at the next event!



Tranisia, a chef to refugees.

“When I graduated culinary school, I could’ve gotten a job at a restaurant in La Jolla or somewhere fancy, but I knew my community needed me more. So I started teaching refugees how to cook.

They know the food in their home country, but the ingredients are different here.”


Let’s grow together!

All donations support our mission of partnering
with residents to enhance the quality of life in City Heights.